When I think of cherry pie, I think of David Lynch’s Twin Peaks. I watched the TV show with my mum back when it first aired in the early 90s and considering my age at the time, I’m okay admitting that I didn't understand much. All I knew what I loved how much it freaked me out.
However, I wasn’t making the pie from Twin Peaks (mainly because at the time I didn’t realise that this recipe was available), I was making the pie from Mrs. Rowe’s Little Book of Southern Pies. I made a change to the base, using crushed chocolate-covered HobNob biscuits instead of pastry (they’re seriously the second-best biscuits in the world). So I made my pie, popped it into the oven and waited.
While the pie cooked, I let thoughts of ‘she’s dead, wrapped in plastic’ swarm through my mind. I’d actually had a run in with Lynch’s characters earlier in the year when I finally read The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer. I'd wanted to read this book since I watched the show but felt it was too taboo for me to purchase at the same bookstore where all my BSC titles and Pen Pal titles had been bought. And, man, that book freaked me out all over again. Laura Palmer was into some fucked up shit!
I have to admit, though, that it wasn’t the book, the initial film, or the TV show that freaked me out the most. That honour is reserved for the film prequel Fire Walk with Me. I watched it by myself one day after school, so yes, it was daylight outside, but I still had to stop the film halfway through and take deep breaths before finishing it. There were way too many Bob-hiding-in-the-corner-of-the-bedroom scenes to make me sleep properly for weeks after.
Anyway, after about an hour, my pie was ready and it was pretty yum. Although I dare say it would have gone better with a cup of that Joe that Agent Cooper always went on about. (Or even David Lynch's own brew.)
Next stop, Maple Pecan Pie and the American breakfast.